Grief is hard enough in itself.
But when your feelings towards the person who died weren’t all warm and loving, grief becomes incredibly complicated.
Take the death of Mark Salling, who took his life after pleading guilty to the possession of thousands of images of child porn. It’s natural to feel grief at his passing, but this comes tinged with guilt (are you allowed to feel sad when the person who died did a terrible thing?), resentment, confusion, and a lot of hurt.
Or the passing of a parent who treated you badly, or an ex-partner you cut out of your life, or a relative you had a complicated relationship with.
Grieving in these cases is a murky mess that can leave you feeling isolated and mentally tangled. Are you supposed to grieve? Are you allowed to still feel anger at someone who’s died?
Here’s some advice on coping.
Give yourself permission to grieve
Regardless of someone’s actions, as terrible as they may be,… Read the full story
from Metro