This is how the Twitter reacted to Facebook’s CEO apology

After being silent for days, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg decided to share his version of the ongoing controversy that data harvested of 50M Facebook accounts was used by a marketing firm, Cambridge Analytica, for the presidential campaign of 2016.

Mark Zuckerberg, although, took responsibility for the incident but his Facebook status update lacked usage of words like ‘apologize’ or ‘sorry’. Right after his status, the netizens took to Twitter to share their concerns, responses and reactions on Zuckerberg’s update.

Here are some of the unique ones for you:

Following Cambridge Analytica scandal Facebook’s has lost $60 billion from its market value in few days. Facebook shares are currently trading at $164.07, down 4.9 percent. Meanwhile, most of the people have already fallen out of love with Facebook and might be thinking of deleting their account.

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