The OnePlus 5 may have been outshined by the OnePlus 5T, but it remains a capable 2017 flagship smartphone. It shares some hardware in common with its successor, including a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 system-on-chip, and software-wise, OnePlus has taken pains to keep it up to date. In fact, the OnePlus 5 received a stable Android 8.0 Oreo-based OxygenOS 5.0 update in December, while the OnePlus 5T only received a stable Android Oreo update today.
At launch, the OnePlus 5T had a key software feature that differentiated it from the OnePlus 5: Face Unlock. It relied on the phone’s front-facing camera, so there weren’t any technical challenges that would have prevented it from coming to the OnePlus 5. Sure enough, OnePlus listened to feedback and said that Face Unlock would make its way to the OnePlus 5. It finally came in the OxygenOS Open Beta 3, and on Wednesday, Face Unlock hit the stable channel.
OnePlus has started rolling out OxygenOS 5.0.2 for the OnePlus 5, the company announced on the official OnePlus forums. In addition to Face Unlock, the new firmware includes CPU security patch CVE-2018-13218 and updated system apps including the OnePlus Launcher, Gallery, Weather and File Manager. It also brings “enhanced EIS for video recording”, which should theoretically improve video quality. Unfortunately, OnePlus didn’t go into detail regarding the enhanced EIS.
Here’s the changelog:
OnePlus 5 OxygenOS 5.0.2 Changelog
- Added Face unlock function
- Applied CPU security patch: CVE-2017-13218
- General bug fixes and improvements
- Updated Launcher to v2.2
- Updated Gallery to v2.0
- Updated Weather to v1.9
- Updated File Manager to v1.7.6
- Enhanced EIS for video recording
OnePlus says that the OxygenOS 5.0.2 update will be rolled out incrementally, at first. It will reach a small percentage of users today, and roll out more broadly in the coming days.
Source: OnePlus