Addicted to social media? Here’s how to earn money through that

Have you encountered yourself keeping a track of how many likes you got on your recent post?
Do you check your social media accounts the first thing in the morning?Have your friends ever told you that you tag them in the best memes? Have you tried different ways to stop this unlimited scrolling through your timeline but failed every time?

If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then fret not, I am going to tell you amazing strategies to start earning through your social media addiction.

Become an Instagram blogger:

All you need to do is identify your interests. if you always keep a track of what celebrities wore at the latest event they attended, then certainly you are a fashionista and you can try becoming a fashion blogger. If you love to try every restaurant that opens in your vicinity, then why not start an Instagram food blog.

So, instead of posting on your personal account that is private, create an account that is open to the public. Now you can start posting and gradually build an audience. Depending on the number of your audience, companies will approach you and ask you to publish a paid post for their offering related to your audience. For instance, if you have 10,000 followers on your account, a company will easily pay you PKR 10,000 to do a post.

There are many popular Instagram bloggers that you can follow and learn from. For example, if you are a makeup junkie and want to create an Instagram blog, you can follow Shay Mirza who has 56,000 followers on Instagram.

Start creating or sharing memes on Facebook:

If your phone gallery is full of memes that you randomly save online or receive from different WhatsApp groups, you can start a page on Facebook and start sharing memes. All you need to do is save random memes on your phone while you are uselessly scrolling Facebook and then take an hour to schedule all the posts on your Facebook page with a specific time difference.

Slowly, you will have substantial audience base and then you can start charging for posts that companies would approach you for. Companies look for social media pages that have a great number of likes on their page. They approach owners of the pages to help them make their marketing campaign successful by sharing posts through that page. There are many famous pages on Facebook such as Humorists

Earn by Twitter:

If you have a good sense of humor, you can start tweeting funny thoughts or jokes on Twitter and gradually you will start getting followers. This will help you create a massive number of followers and eventually companies will do a contract with you to do a number of posts with a hashtag so, this will help them make their hashtags trending.

A famous blogger on Twitter who has over 4000 followers on Twitter told me that they usually charge PKR5,000 for 7 days. Similarly, they cost PKR500-PKR1000 for one promotional tweet for a company.

If this does not convince you enough, Kris Sanchez is 25 year old owner of the Twitter page, @Uberfacts. He makes more than $500,000 every year by tweeting random facts every day.

Earn through WhatsApp:

If you use WhatsApp a lot, then you can start earning by following the steps:

  1. Visit the website called
  2. Register by using your email or login with Facebook
  3. Shorten the URL on the site and then copy the shortened URL
  4. Now share in WhatsApp groups you are a part of
  5. You will get money for every click on the URL.

When anyone clicks on the shortened URL, the user will be shown an advertisement for 5 seconds before the user is redirected to the destination link. This is why this website pays you as you bring traffic to them.

Create and sell filters on Snapchat:

Well, if you are a graphic designer who loves to use Snapchat, you can create filters and sell them through Snapchat Geofilter on FilterPop.

When you will add your designs, you will earn 50% for each sale of your design. This feature allows you to have a Geofilter store of your own. Snapchat will manage and promote the store. You only need to create a custom Snapchat filter and submit by creating your account on FilterPop and you can start making passive income in this way.

On Snapchat, you can also share any item you want to sell and use Snapcash by linking debit card to your account and anyone on your snapchat account who wants to buy what you are selling can send you payment via Snapcash.

Do you know of any other way of earning money through social media. Let us know in the comments section.

The post Addicted to social media? Here’s how to earn money through that appeared first on TechJuice.
