WhatsApp has finally released a much-needed feature that will ensure the privacy of users. WhatsApp users will now be able to decide who is able to add them to groups and will be able to accept or reject “group invitations” sent through direct messages.
WhatsApp groups are a popular way for users to communicate and, increasingly, share and consume news. The new feature will also help to combat WhatsApp’s fake news problem.
Facebook-owned WhatsApp has confirmed in a blog post that it has started rolling out new group privacy settings and the new feature “will be available worldwide” in the next few weeks.
If you have updated your WhatsApp to the latest version, you can try to enable the feature now, by going into the Settings of your app, then tap Account > Privacy > Groups and choose one of three options: “Nobody”, “My Contacts”, or “Everyone”.
If you will select “My Contacts,” only contacts can add you to groups. For people outside of contacts, or for people who select “Nobody,” users must invite you to a group over DM. “My Contacts” means only users you have in your contact book can add you to groups.
Meanwhile, if you choose “Nobody”, people will have to invite you to a group over DM. However, you will have the option to reject or accept those invitations within three days.
Giving users the choice to limit communication with people, they don’t actually have in their contacts could help WhatsApp to curb misinformation, spread through its platform. As the company affirmed in its blog, “With these new features, users will have more control over the group messages they receive.”
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