Telegram gained 3 million new users in an hour when Facebook was down ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Facebook and Instagram went globally down yesterday and Telegram gained the advantage of the situation.

Telegram is a free encrypted messaging service like WhatsApp and it gained 3 million new users in the past 24 hours during facebook outage.

CEO and founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov broke the news on his Telegram channel saying that the service saw an increase of 3 million new sign-ups in the past 24 hours.

Telegram is currently running on user donations as compared to Facebook which uses targeted ads model. Also, telegram has always focused on keeping the privacy of the users intact and therefore added end-to-end encryption support back in 2013 3 years before WhatsApp.

Facebook faced a massive global outage yesterday, along with its two very popular social media websites Instagram and WhatsApp. The situation was soo worse that Facebook had to turn to Twitter to announce that the services are down.

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