Route for Upwelled Kuroshio Waters into East China Sea Shelf

Upwelling off northeastern Taiwan is important for exchanges between the East China Sea and the Kuroshio Current. The short-term variabilities in upwelling have not been well studied so far due to limited spatiotemporal resolutions of observations. Yin and Huang [2019] propose a gradient-based upwelling detection algorithm, which uses geostationary satellite sea surface temperature (SST) images. The results are verified against multi-satellite SST data. The algorithm is fairly simple, effective, and accurate. It can be applied to other upwelling systems of the world.

Citation: Yin, W., & Huang, D. [2019]. Short‐term variations in the surface upwelling off northeastern Taiwan observed via satellite data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124.

—Lei Zhou, Editor, JGR: Oceans

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