React is a fairly popular library based on JavaScript used for building user interfaces. It is currently maintained by Facebook developers and a number of individual companies, from that alone, you can easily realize its importance. Needless to say, React is as popular as Angular or Ruby on Rails nowadays and essential for developers to learn and specialize in. Given below are some free courses that can help you get started with React:
Start Learning React
This course by EggHead.io has over 20+ lectures which consist of examples to learn how to develop using React.js library. In software development, there is a model-view-controller approach (MVC) and React strictly focuses on the view part. You will learn to create a simple React app and learn essential components of the library such as the Synthetic Event system or React’s lifecycle methods etc. More than 7500 people have completed the course till date, will you also be the one to take it?
React Fundamentals
More than 14,000 students have taken this course on Udemy which focuses on the fundamental concepts of React such as elements, props, states, lifecycle methods, conditional rendering etc. You will be utilizing ES6/ES7 JavaScript features in this course. The course is short and to the point, it shouldn’t take long for you to complete it.
React vs Angular vs Vue.js by Example
We all know that React, Angular and Vue are extremely popular but what is the prime difference between them? This course will brief you the difference using examples. You will create an app using React, Angular and Vue and finally close the course by creating an Adobe XD Prototype mockup. More than 40,000 students have already taken the course, another reason why you should take the course!
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