Rocket League is now truly cross-platform

Rocket League players were already enjoying the cross-platform play on PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. But now Sony PS4 users can also join these platform users in online multiplayer mode. The move was held back by Sony who wasn’t agreeing to allow cross-play. It was because of immense pressure by fans of Rocket League and its developer Psyonix that Sony eventually caved.

“It’s because of you, our fans, and our generous partners on all systems and services that have made this possible in the first place,” says VP of publishing at Psyonix, Jeremy Dunham. “On behalf of the entire team, thank you for your passion and persistence as we continue to do our best to make Rocket League the best experience we can.”

Prior to this, PlayStation owners were limited to playing against PC only. The only hurdle being Sony’s strict policy on cross-play. An upcoming update will allow players to form teams across platforms. Players can create private sessions and custom matches to specifically play with friends on other platforms. However, the default is random matchmaking over the platforms.

This move followed on the heels of Fortnite. Fortnite was held back from full cross-play by Sony in a similar case. It was again due to pressure from the huge fan-base that things reconsidered and cross-play was given green light to move forward.

This will hopefully result in a more robust player-base and make e-sports more accessible. In fact, an interesting possibility opens of tournaments between platforms. Imagine PlayStation gamers vs. Xbox gamers. That would be one spectacle to behold.

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