Facebook brings Events to the user’s stories


Facebook has introduced a new feature for its Stories that lets user share their events directly in the stories.

The famous social media tech giant is trying a new feature which enables its users to share different events directly through their stories. Facebook mentioned that social media users would now be able “to share the events they’re interested in and coordinate to meet up with friends IRL” through the Stories feature. The friends would also be able to interact about the events without going out of the particular event’s story.

The host would then be able to see how many viewers have marked interested or going to the event which was shared. This feature would also help Facebook to bring the popularity of their Event feature to Stories. Stories feature on Facebook isn’t quite popular, with this update, Facebook hopes that the users may start paying more heed to the feature. It would be worth mentioning here that Facebook is currently testing this feature and this might not be available to all users as of now.

Although Facebook has been hit by different scandals numerous times, the Events feature on the site is massively being used by different users, organizations and companies for marketing and attracting the right audience. Facebook is now looking for more ways to expand the operations of this feature and make it more popular.

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