Sony Fixes Crashing PS4s, Here’s How to Fix Yours

Over the weekend, a critical bug was found in the PlayStation 4 messaging system that would cause systems to crash if a particular character was displayed. Sony has now fixed the issue.

In short, malicious users were sending a very specific bit of text to other PS4 users that would send the system into a “crash loop.” Early reports indicated that the system would need to be factory reset in order to fix the problem, but Sony later outlined that wasn’t the case. Instead of resetting the system, you could simply use the console’s Rebuild Database function to get it back into working order. If you were affected by the crash bug, here’s what to do to get your console up and running.

If you’re not familiar with Safe Mode or how to get it up and running, here are the details:

Note: You’ll need to connect the controller through USB while in Safe Mode.

  • Turn off the console completely, then long-press the power button until you hear a second beep (about seven seconds after the first one), then release. This will boot the console into Safe mode.
  • Choose option 5. Rebuild Database.
  • Let it do its thing. After a few minutes, the console will be back to normal.

Of course, you’ll also need to delete the message before firing the console back up, which you should do from the PlayStation Messages mobile app (iOS, Android).

Fortunately, this shouldn’t be an issue at this point, because Sony fixed the problem. It looks like this was a backend fix, so consoles shouldn’t even require an update in the first place. It’s just…not a problem anymore.

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from How-To Geek

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