List of Android Pie (Android 9) ports for smartphones and tablets

Android Pie Android 9

Since Android Pie was announced and its source code made available on AOSP, the developer community on our forums has been hard at work building the latest release for their devices. Although the stable, official Android 9 Pie release is currently only available for the Google Pixel/Pixel XL, Google Pixel 2/Pixel 2 XL, and Essential Phone, we’ve seen ports of the latest Android version make their way to devices as old as the original Motorola Moto G and OnePlus One. There are so many devices on our forums that it’s hard to find the first ports of Android Pie for your device. To that end, I’m putting together a list of Android smartphones and tablets that have received an unofficial Android 9 Pie custom ROM.

Android 9 Pie Features

As a reminder, here are the most important new features of Android 9 Pie that you’ll be getting if you update to one of these unofficial releases:

  • Gesture Navigation – removes the recent apps overview button and replaces the original home button with a pill that can slide up to show recent apps or slide right to quickly switch between apps
  • Revamped recent apps – the vertical, stacked card list is replaced with a horizontal card list (interestingly, the launcher is now integrated with the recent apps overview which opens up some exciting possibilities)
  • Revamped user interface – commonly called “Material Design 2,” the new Material Theme guidelines have brought a fresh coat of paint throughout the UI
  • Digital Wellbeing – a feature designed to help you use your smartphone less by tracking your usage and wind down at night to prevent distractions (officially only available for the Google Pixel, but can easily be enabled unofficially)
  • App Actions and Slices API – the former API allows apps to show predictive actions while the latter allows apps to show a part (“slice”) of their UI inside of another app
  • Adaptive Battery – with App Standby Buckets, Android limits power consumption for the apps that you don’t use all that often

Android Pie Ports for Android Smartphones and Tablets

Before we begin this list, we want you  to take note of a few things:

  • Please read the OP of each linked thread as well as the first few posts so you know the current status of each build.
  • This is not a comprehensive list of all Android 9 Pie releases. Because of the sheer number of devices on our forums, it’s impossible to be completely up-to-date on the status of Android Pie for each device, so we may be missing some in this post. Search your device’s forum to be sure!
  • Although we will be updating this list from time-to-time, there will be a point where the number of unofficial Android 9 Pie ports is too large for us to keep up with. We’ll try our best to stay up-to-date, though.
  • We will not be listing custom Android Pie ROMs for any devices that have already officially received Android 9 releases from the OEMs. That includes the following devices:

List of devices with official Android 9 Pie releases

Now, here is our list, categorized by brand. We will list the ROM name in parenthesis, but keep in mind that nearly every release will be basically stock AOSP since custom ROM developers haven’t had enough time to bring up their ROM’s features.












Other Devices

Is your device not on the list but you still want to try Android 9 Pie? You may have a chance! Devices like the Razer Phone, Huawei Mate 9, Exynos Samsung Galaxy S9+, and more can experience Android Pie as they are Project Treble-compatible. You can follow this guide to see if your device supports Project Treble. If it does, then you can flash an AOSP Generic System Image based on the Android 9 Pie release, as described in further detail here.

Please help us populate this list! If there’s a device with an Android Pie build not on the list, please post a link to the relevant thread in the comments down below!


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