Transfer Future Pay Wallet Money : Many of you Looted Future Pay wallet and may have Rs 100 in many of different accounts, so here we have come up with a Trick From which you can Transfer Future Pay wallet Money to Another wallet.
This Trick Purely depends on the Big Bazaar Representative as you have to Ask him to Load Money in your Future pay wallet. They will Load it to your Future Pay wallet From your one Account to Another. So Below is the Trick To Transfer Future Pay wallet Money to another,
Trick To Transfer Future Pay Wallet Money
1) Firstly , Go To Big Bazaar Store
2) Go , To Cashier Counter And Ask To Load Money In YOur Future Pay Wallet ( Give Original Account Number)
3) Then Tell , To Load 100Rs In your Wallet
4) In Payment Page Select Your Payment As Future Pay.
5) Then , Give Another Future Pay Wallet Number
6) Verify Otp
7)Finally , Successfully Added Money In Your Original Account..!
8) Tried By My Friend And Successfully Got Money.
Suggestion Before You Try This Trick
1. Go to That Big Bazaar OutLet where there is Less or No Rush.
2. Be Polite when you are Talking to Cashier
3. Try to go at Morning Time on week Days as there will Be Less Rush During This Time.
4. This Trick Purely Depends on you and Cashier Counter.
So This is the Trick to Transfer Future Pay Wallet Money To Another Wallet, Don’t Misuse it and also Share it with your Friends.
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