The 2018 section awardees and named lecturers have been selected. AGU and its leaders wholeheartedly congratulate these awardees!
The selection of our colleagues for these prestigious awards and honors recognizes their sustained and unique contributions to enlightening our understanding of the Earth and its atmosphere and oceans, and of the solar system and exoplanets. The sciences encompassed by AGU are crucial for the health and well-being of our planet’s inhabitants. These honorees have contributed to that health and well-being through their scientific advancements and outstanding service to the science and to AGU.
Among the 24 sections of AGU, there are 65 awards; 21 are for early-career scientists (up to 10 years post-Ph.D.) and six are for midcareer scientists (10–20 years post-Ph.D.). Twenty-seven awards provide named lectureships to further disseminate an awardee’s meritorious accomplishments. Named lectures offered by AGU sections recognize distinguished scientists with proven leadership in their fields of science. AGU inaugurated the Bowie Lecture in 1989 to commemorate the fiftieth presentation of the William Bowie Medal, which is named for AGU’s first president and is the highest honor given by the organization. The 2018 Bowie Lecturers are denoted by asterisks in the list below. We look forward to attending as many of these lectures as possible at Fall Meeting 2018.
Many thanks to the nominators, nomination supporters, and section leaders, and particularly to the selection committees, for their important work in selecting these well-deserving colleagues. We thank you all for your continued commitment to the AGU Honors Program, and we look forward to recognizing the honorees and their achievements at AGU’s Fall Meeting 2018 in Washington, D. C.
—Robin Bell, President-elect and Council Chair, AGU; and Mary Anne Holmes (email:, Chair, Honors and Recognition Committee, AGU
Atmospheric Sciences SectionAtmospheric Sciences Ascent Award Matthew Huber, Perdue University Yi Ming, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration David M. Romps, University of California, Berkeley Joel A. Thornton, University of Washington
James R. Holton Award Angel Francisco Adames-Corraliza, University of Michigan
Yoram J. Kaufman Unselfish Cooperation in Research Award Daniel Rosenfeld, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jacob Bjerknes Lecture* Peter J. Webster, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jule Gregory Charney Lecture* Paul A. Newman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Future Horizons in Climate Science: Turco Lectureship Jennifer E. Kay, University of Colorado Boulder .
Biogeosciences SectionSulzman Award for Excellence in Education and Mentoring Emily M. Elliott, University of Pittsburgh .
Cryosphere Sciences SectionCryosphere Early Career Award Ludovic Brucker, Universities Space Research Association GESTAR and Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
John F. Nye Lecture Jacqueline Richter-Menge, U.S. Arctic Research Commission and University of Alaska Fairbanks .
Earth and Planetary Surface Processes SectionG. K. Gilbert Award in Surface Processes Ellen Wohl, Colorado State University
Luna B. Leopold Young Scientist Award Jill A. Marshall, University of Arkansas
Robert P. Sharp Lecture Jill A. Marshall, University of Arkansas .
Earth and Space Science Informatics SectionGreg Leptoukh Lecture Benjamin J. K. Evans, Australian National University .
Geodesy SectionGeodesy Section Award Thomas Hobiger, University of Stuttgart
Ivan I. Mueller Award for Distinguished Service and Leadership Richard S. Gross, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
William Bowie Lecture* Byron D. Tapley, University of Texas at Austin .
Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism SectionWilliam Gilbert Award Lennart V. de Groot, Utrecht University
Edward Bullard Lecture* Lisa Tauxe, Scripps Institution of Oceanography .
Global Environmental Change SectionBert Bolin Global Environmental Change Award and Lecture Donald J. Wuebbles, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Global Environmental Change Early Career Award George A. Ban-Weiss, University of Southern California Rajan K. Chakrabarty, Washington University in St. Louis Kaiyu Guan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Piers J. Sellers Global Environmental Change Mid-Career Award Markus Reichstein, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Michael-Stifel-Center Jena for Data-Driven and Simulation Science
Stephen Schneider Lecture Stephen E. Schwartz, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Tyndall History of Global Environmental Change Lecture Inez Y. Fung, University of California, Berkeley .
Hydrology SectionHydrologic Sciences Early Career Award Yoshihide Wada, International Institute for Applied Systems
Hydrologic Sciences Award Bridget R. Scanlon, University of Texas at Austin
Walter B. Langbein Lecture* Dani Or, ETH Zurich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Paul Witherspoon Lecture Elizabeth W. Boyer, Pennsylvania State University
Horton Research Grant Frederick Y. Cheng, University of Waterloo Caio Reis Costa Mattos, Rutgers University Brianna R. Pagán, Ghent University .
Mineral and Rock Physics SectionMineral and Rock Physics Early Career Award Zho Mao, University of Science and Technology of China
Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award Earl F. O’Bannon III, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Esther Posner, Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universität Bayreuth Natalia Solomatova, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
John C. Jamieson Student Paper Award Christopher J. Cline II, NOVA Geotechnical .
Natural Hazards SectionNatural Hazards Section Award for Graduate Research Edward Max Brooks, Northwestern University
Gilbert F. White Distinguished Award and Lecture Lucile Jones, Dr. Lucy Jones Center for Science and Society .
Near-Surface Geophysics SectionGSSI Near-Surface Geophysics Student Grant William Hardy Kochtitzky, University of Maine .
Nonlinear Geophysics SectionDonald L. Turcotte Award Meredith Plumley, University of Colorado Boulder
Ed Lorenz Lecture V. Krishnamurthy, George Mason University .
Ocean Sciences SectionOcean Sciences Voyager Award Andréa G. Grottoli, Ohio State University
Rachel Carson Lecture Claire B. Paris-Limouzy, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
William S. and Carelyn Y. Reeburgh Lecture Allan Devol, University of Washington
Harald Sverdrup Lecture Raymond Schmitt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution .
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology SectionWilli Dansgaard Award Bärbel Hönisch, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
Harry Elderfield Outstanding Student Paper Award Kassandra Costa, Columbia University
Nanne Weber Early Career Award Haojia Abby Ren, National Taiwan University .
Planetary Sciences SectionRonald Greeley Early Career Award in Planetary Sciences Brandon C. Johnson, Brown University
Fred Whipple Award and Lecture Philip R. Christensen, Arizona State University
Eugene Shoemaker Lecture* Carol A. Raymond, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology .
Seismology SectionKeiiti Aki Young Scientist Award Lingling Ye, Sun Yat-sen University
Beno Gutenberg Lecture* William Ellsworth, Stanford University .
Space Physics and Aeronomy SectionBasu United States Early Career Award for Research in Sun-Earth Systems Science Julia E. Stawarz, Imperial College London
Fred L. Scarf Award Aleida K. Higginson, University of Michigan
Space Physics and Aeronomy Richard Carrington Education and Public Outreach Award Patricia Doherty, Boston College
Sunanda and Santimay Basu (International) Early Career Award in Sun-Earth Systems Science Zama T. Katamzi-Joseph, South African National Space Agency
Eugene Parker Lecture* David J. McComas, Princeton University
James Van Allen Lecture* Fran Bagenal, University of Colorado Boulder .
Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior SectionStudy of the Earth’s Deep Interior Graduate Research Award Jie Deng, Yale University Ross Maguire, University of Michigan .
Tectonophysics SectionJason Morgan Early Career Award Ylona van Dinther, ETH Zurich and Utrecht University
Francis Birch Lecture* Carolina R. Lithgow-Bertelloni, University of California, Los Angeles .
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology SectionHisashi Kuno Award Leif Karlstrom, University of Oregon
Norman L. Bowen Award and Lecture Timothy Druitt, University of Clermont-Auvergne Steven Goldstein, Columbia University
Reginald Daly Lecture* Nicolas Dauphas, University of Chicago .
Joint Award: Geodesy, Seismology, and Tectonophysics SectionsPaul G. Silver Award Harold J. Tobin, University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Washington .
Joint Prize: Nonlinear Geophysics and Space Physics and Aeronomy SectionsSpace Weather and Nonlinear Waves and Processes Prize Robert Bruno, Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali .
Joint Lecture: Biogeosciences and Planetary Sciences SectionsCarl Sagan Lecture Ken Caldeira, Carnegie Institution for Science .
Joint Lecture: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology and Ocean Sciences SectionsCesare Emiliani Lecture Jean Lynch-Stieglitz, Georgia Institute of Technology .
Joint Student Grant: Atmospheric Sciences and Space Physics and Aeronomy SectionsEdmond M. Dewan Scholarship Lena Heuscher, University of Alabama in Huntsville
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