‘Attention seeking’ is a label variously applied to people who post selfies on Instagram, celebrities who are often naked, people expressing visible symptoms of mental illness, people who express bizarre opinions ‘just to be controversial’, people who cry a lot, and conservative middle-aged men who are somehow outraged by literally everything.
Some forms of attention seeking do have negative consequences. People who stir up hatred and bigotry for clicks and TV airtime are causing harm.
However, most forms of attention seeking are not in any way markers of being an unpleasant person who’s doing something wrong.
Let’s break this down.
Every human alive needs attention. When we were babies, we had to get our parents’ attention or we would die. We cried to be fed, to be burped, to be changed and to be put down for a nap.
Baby mammals and birds do exactly the same thing because their evolutionary programming tells them that getting the parent’s attention is vital for survival.
Back to humans.… Read the full story
from Metro https://metro.co.uk/2018/06/13/why-being-attention-seeking-isnt-wrong-or-shameful-7618632/