The first question that may come to your mind is that why Microsoft has introduced this new 70-535 exam while there is already an exam available for this category (known as 70-534). Well, Microsoft is basically rolling out some new requirements and a new syllabus essentially for this exam. So, this new exam has replaced the 70-534 exam because they have introduced some massive changes in their syllabus.
The new Microsoft 70-535 exam allows you move ahead in your career so that you can reach amazing heights. But before moving further, you should keep in mind that Microsoft 70-535 exam is not a piece of cake. And the individuals are supposed to make a lot of effort and hard work if they want to pass this exam.
Topics included in the exam
Candidates that want to validate their Microsoft Azure solution design skills should take this
exam because it is a replacement for Microsoft 70-534 exam. This exam clears your concepts about several capabilities and features of Azure services so that you can easily make decisions when it comes to designing the hybrid and public cloud solutions.
Let’s take a look at the topics included in the Microsoft 70-535 exam:
Designing data access strategy
Designing Azure Web Apps
Designing an application storage
Designing Azure Mobile Apps
Designing Azure Resource Manager networking
Designing advanced applications
Designing a business continuity and management strategy
How to pass Microsoft 70-535 exam?
According to our analysis, Microsoft 70-535 is one of the most complicated exams in the history of Microsoft. Therefore, the individuals are facing a lot of trouble in passing this exam. In my opinion, if you want to pass this exam, you should not only focus on the practical tasks but you should carefully go through the entire syllabus because the reading is very important in order to pass this exam.
There are many courses available on the internet that claim to be the best but the dedication and hard work are the key elements that can help you pass this exam. We know that there are people that are distributing dumps for 70-535 exam but my personal experience says that the dumps are not going to help you at all if you did not go through the course.
Skills measured on this exam
The exam is supposed to measure your skills that whether you are capable of accomplishing several technical tasks or not. Let’s take a look at some technical topics where your skills are tested:
Design Compute Infrastructure (20-25%)
Design Data Implementation (15-20%)
Design Networking Implementation (15-20%)
Design Security and Identity Solutions (20-25%)
Design Solutions by using Platforms Services (10-15%)
Design for operation (10-15%)
Tips to Pass the Microsoft 70-535 exam
I recommend practicing your skills every day because the practice is the key to pass this exam in your first attempt. Frankly speaking, I could not pass this exam on the first attempt because there was not enough material available for preparation. But now there is enough material available that anybody can access easily. I highly recommend working with the Microsoft Azure on a daily basis if you really want to pass the exam.
Azure allows you to create a free account so that you can practice your skills as long as you
want. Make sure that you carefully go through the book that is designed for this exam because it will help you a lot in passing the exam. You can also use Chegg Free account to get more tips.
My Personal Experience
As I have mentioned before that I could not pass this exam on the first attempt due to lack of material. But I did not lose hope and kept on trying and finally, I passed the exam in the third attempt. However, I learned many interesting things during these attempts. Therefore, I have decided to share the information with you so that you do not suffer from the issues that I faced while preparing for the exam.
Training courses
There are lots of platforms providing training courses but my favorite ones are Udemy and
Lynda. And I would recommend that you must watch the courses on these platforms as many times as you can. Every time you watch the course, you’d get to learn something new. And the reason why I have chosen these two platforms is that the tutors are very active on these platforms and they regularly keep updating their course according to the latest changes.
ExamSnap 70-535 Prep:
My thoughts about dumps
Well, my personal experience with dumps was really bad but I still see people claiming that the dumps helped them a lot in passing out the exam. So, the situation is completely doubtful here. But I would conclude this session with the thoughts that if you have gone through the entire course and practiced your skills regularly, then dumps may give you a boost. But if you are totally relying on dumps to pass the exam, then you’d come back home with a sad face after taking the exam.
According to my experience, the hard work, commitment, and regular practice are the three most important elements that are needed to pass this exam. If you are strictly following these aspects, then nobody can stop you from passing the exam.
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