Colombian fan helping deaf and blind friend watch game shows magic of the World Cup

Forget last minute winners and underdog stories, this gesture from a friend could be the most magical moment of the World Cup so far.

Football fan Cesar Daza learned sign language and created hand gestures so he could tell his deaf and blind friend Jose Richard Gallego what was happening during a game.

Judging by the video of the two celebrating Colombia’s 3-0 victory over Poland in Group H, it worked a treat.

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Mr Daza, who met Mr Gallego three years ago, described how their system worked.

‘We’ve reached a common understanding,’ he said.

‘This means out of bounds. This refers to a corner kick. This means sideline judge.

‘This sign means a penalty kick. If the ball is thrown-in, this is the signal.

‘This gesture means someone got a red card or yellow card.’

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