Class action lawsuit filed against Apple for a defect in Apple Watches

Apple Watch

A class action lawsuit has been filed by consumers against a defect present in all Apple Watches, starting from the Series 0 all the way up to the Series 3. The lawsuit is claiming $5 million in damages from Apple. Apparently, a similar defect causes the watch’s screen to crack, shatter or to completely detach from the body. The lawsuit states:

“The Watches all contain the same defect and/or flaw, which causes the screens on the Watches to crack, shatter, or detach from the body of the Watch (the “Defect”), through no fault of the wearer, oftentimes only days or weeks after purchase. Apple knew that the Watches were defective at or before the time it began selling them to the public. Furthermore, consumers complained to Apple about the Defect almost immediately after Apple released the Series 0, Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3 Watches.

Apple has actively concealed and failed to disclose the Defect to Plaintiff and Class members prior to, at, or after the time of purchase. Further, Apple’s conduct, when confronted with the Defect, indicates that its internal policy is to deny the existence of the Defect, claim the Defect is the result of “accidental damage” caused by consumers, and then refuse to honor its Limited Warranty on those grounds.”

As stated above, consumers are showing discontentment over Apple refusing to recognize the defect, let alone trying to fix the issue. However, it’s not only gloom and doom. Apple has acknowledged a number of issues with the Series 0, such as swollen batteries and detached back covers. It has compensated Series 0 consumers by adding to the watch’s warranty period. As for the Series 2, the case of expanded batteries was compensated with an extension to the watch’s warranty period too.

Despite being one of the biggest companies of the world, Apple is known for, sometimes, neglecting customer satisfaction. The most relevant example of this is the recent #BatteryGate scandal. Albeit Apple issued an unconditional apology to consumers in a bid to ease the tensions, it’s evident that customers have not been able to digest the fact.

The post Class action lawsuit filed against Apple for a defect in Apple Watches appeared first on TechJuice.
