Michael Dell, the founder of Dell computer company, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, Evan Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat and many others started their business from their dorm room. We often believe that we lack any practical knowledge or enough wisdom to start a business of our own and hence this bars us from launching our own startup. We fail to pay attention to the many reasons why we must start our business while we are still in college
Here are five reasons why college is the best time to start your business.
1.You can take help from mentors:
Once you are done with your college, you will be paying to get the same advice. So, avail the opportunity to get free advice while you are still in college. You can take help from your professors who love to help their ambitious students. There are a lot of seniors who wold also prove to be your best mentors and would help you generously. So, basically mentors are easily accessible and you can get a sincere advice from them that might prove to be game changing for your startup in the long run.
2.You can access free resources:
You can easily find a quiet place in your university such as a library to start work on your startup. You can utilize multiple resources for free that you will have to pay for otherwise such as super fast internet connection, research databases and meeting rooms. Your university charges you a lot of tuition fee so, while you are in campus, you must make use of the resources provided to you by your university.
3.You can easily find customers:
You can easily ask your friends or university fellows to buy your offerings while you are still in college. They will not only buy your offering but will also give you honest advice so, you can modify your offerings according to their feedback. Back in my university, there was a guy who used to post charts on notice boards regarding his startup that sold customized notebooks and we used to call him and order one for us. So, advertising is for free.
4. Financial freedom:
While you are still in college, you do not have to worry about paying bills for or getting grocery for home, so you can work without any stress. Having no financial responsibility helps you invest all the money you have without having to worry about how you will be managing. You can always take part in competitions such as business idea competition or essay writing competition and use the prize money as an investment.
5. You can easily take risk:
You do not really have to worry about starting your business because you know that even if you fail you, can get yourself a job after you graduate. But once you are graduated, you perceive it as a risk. Ben Rubenstein and some college friends co-founded Yodle while they were studying at University of Pensylvania. According to Rubenstein, “ When you make mistakes in the real world, you lose real money. Being in College takes you away from the structured safe environment that people have during their college years.”
This will be a rewarding journey even if you fail as you will get priceless lessons to help you throughout your professional life.
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