Yayvo continues to deliver change with its new Ramadan campaign

The month of Ramadan kindles the spirit of sharing blessings and caring for fellow human beings. Just in time for Ramadan, Yayvo delivered change with their popular isMay box. The black box came with pairs of goodies that are luxury for many and thus encouraged the recipients to share the contents of the box with those in need. In addition to that, the box itself could be refilled with items such as clothing, stationery, toys, books etc; and return to any TCS Express Center for the items in the box to be given to Saylani Trust. The idea was to share the goodness with others and Deliver Change.

goodness with others and Deliver Change.

Yayvo.com continues the spirit of Delivering Change as it partners with six organizations to donate in four focal causes that include health, education, vocational training, and acts of kindness. Yayvo has partnered up with the following organizations:

  • Aman Foundation
  • The Citizens Foundation
  • Saylani Trust
  • LRBT
  • Behbud Association
  • Akhuwat Foundation

For health category, the donated amount will be used to provide better healthcare to those in need. The contributions made for education will provide stationary, books and better educational opportunities to the underprivileged. With vocational training donations, deserving candidates will be empowered and enabled with technical and vocational training that will span over six months. Contributions for acts of kindness will provide an item of use to someone in need to make them happy.

Through Yayvo Delivering Change, even those who didn’t receive an isMay box can still donate and play their part in contributing to their communities. Users can click through any of the causes and chose to donate in the various listed ways to the organization of their choice.

If you wish to donate items instead of money, Yayvo has a Box of Hope. The box is for users who wish to donate items of use such apparel, shoes, toys etc. Yayvo offers them to use an empty Yayvo box, fill it with the items to donate, place the provided Box of Hope sticker and drop it off at any nearest TCS Express Center, from where the box will be delivered to Saylani Trust.

When you are preparing for Eid this year, remember those in need as well. Take a moment to log on to Yayvo Delivering Change and donate for a cause in a couple of easy steps. A small donation on your part could brighten up someone’s lives.

The post Yayvo continues to deliver change with its new Ramadan campaign appeared first on TechJuice.
