I’m still grieving someone I barely knew

Grief is a known territory for me.

I’ve lost two nans, two godmothers, an auntie, three uncles, two great uncles, and a few family friends. I’m 24 and I’ve been to more funerals than weddings and yet, even though loss has been hard and painful, my life has been so full in knowing these wonderful people that shaped me in more ways than they’ll ever know.

When it comes to relatives, grief is normal. But the person I’m still grieving is someone I barely knew – and that makes me feel uneasy.

I feel like I’m almost not allowed to grieve, as if there isn’t enough grief to go around, which is a really strange concept.

When I was seventeen, I met a Welsh guy on a moving train. He had a kind face and I was immediately attracted to him.

I was at the bar, getting my mum a drink, when he approached me and asked if he could borrow my phone. He had… Read the full story

from Metro http://metro.co.uk/2018/03/13/im-still-grieving-someone-barely-knew-7381082/
