Giphy staff personally inspecting every single GIF on the site after Snapchat and Instagram update racism scandal

A group of unfortunate human employees have been given the unenviable task of sorting through every single GIF on the website Giphy after one image was found to be shockingly racist.

Yesterday, the site was alleged to have hosted a highly offensive animated picture.

As news of the discovery went viral, Snapchat announced it was pulling its deal with Giphy, which was introduced in a controversial recent update and allowed snappers to put gifs on their images and stories.

Instagram also cut ties with the website.

The GIF was entitled ‘N***** Crime Death Counter’ and featured an image of a monkey as well as the slogan: ‘The numbers just keep on climbing.’

Now human staff are rooting through every single image on Giphy to make sure its database of GIFS is 100% free of racist content. It’s not entirely clear how many GIFS are hosted on Giphy, but it’s likely to be tens or even hundreds of… Read the full story

from Metro
