How to Remove cleanserp From Chrome

Remove cleanserp From Chrome – Cleanserp is a very unwanted thing from any browser which can be very annoying and you want to remove cleanserp form Google chrome then in this post we will provide you all steps so that cleanserp search engine can be removed from google chrome. These are not virus and you can also create fake Virus from your PC.

Remove cleanserp From Chrome is a browser hijacker that is bundled with other free software that you download off of the Internet. When installed this browser hijacker it will set the homepage and search engine for your web browser to

Cleanserp do not cause damage to your system. Some people actually want the ‘Features’ offered by these programs. They are usually downloaded alongside a legitimate download when you do not uncheck the option for the additional download.

What is is yet another browser hijacker and it’s identical to countless other hijackers out there. Essentially, all hijackers are the same. They change browser’s settings, set their domains as your homepage and then proceed to redirect you to sponsored pages. The redirects are basically the main reason why a hijacker even exists. It generates traffic for those sites, which means the owners can make money.

Why is on your computer?

You may have downloaded any software from any unknown sources which leads to infect your Pc/Laptop from Cleanserp. They are attached to free software as extra items that you can choose to install if you wish but they are set to install alongside the freeware, so if you do not want then, you need to manually deselect them.

How to Remove cleanserp From Chrome

You need to check in your Chrome Extension which you recently installed in your Chrome. If you want to Remove cleanserp From Chrome then first you need to remove all Extensions from Chrome. Follow below steps to Remove cleanserp From Chrome Browser.

  1. Open Your Chrome Browser and goto Extension Tab.
  2. Remove All your Extensions.

  3. Now goto Settings of Chrome.

  1. Now in Setting tab Scroll Down and goto Manage Search Engine Tab

  1. If your chrome is infected with cleanserp you will see default search engine as Cleanserp as shown below.

  1. You cannot Change this default setting from chrome. We need to open CMD in your PC to change this settings.
  2. Open CMD in Your PC and run it as Administration

  1. Now Copy and paste Below Commands one by one.
  • rd /S /Q “%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers” and press enter
  • rd /S /Q “%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy”  and Press Enter
  • gpupdate /force Press Enter.

  1. Now you are Done. Just Close chrome and Open Again.
  2. You have now successful to Remove cleanserp From Chrome.

Video tutorial to Remove cleanserp From Chrome

So these are the steps to Remove cleanserp From Chrome. these are best and easy steps to Remove cleanserp From Chrome and you can also follow these steps to remove cleanserp from Other Browser.

The post How to Remove cleanserp From Chrome appeared first on Tricks By STG.

from Tricks By STG

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