Apple has had a splendid year. The Cupertino based tech giant has recently posted its quarterly results, and the gamble it made with the iPhone X worked for it. Apple made a record $88 billion in revenue in last three months of 2017. The company is quite dependant on the iPhone lineup for revenues and even the slightest fluctuation create a lot of worries. As of now, the renowned analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo from KGI securities has once again made some interesting predictions saying that “Apple’s 6.1-inch LCD model could reshape sentiment in 2018.”
As reported by AppleInsider, Ming-Chi Kuo has issued an investor note, where he claims that Apple’s LCD-based edgeless iPhone will become more popular than the company’s OLED-based models. The 6.1-inch LCD iPhone will account for 50% of Apple’s new handset shipments in 2018. The demand for the iPhone X will remain strong, as proved by the iPhone’s quarterly financial results, increasing dramatically year over year. Consumers are clearly loving Face ID and most of them have literally ignored the presence of top-notch, that has ruined the designed.
Just for a quick flashback, Apple has been surfacing in rumors to be launching a 6.1-inch LCD iPhone, next-generation iPhone X with 5.8-inch OLED and proposed iPhone X Plus with 6.5-inch OLED this year. In addition the next model from mid-range series, iPhone SE 2 might also arrive as early as March.
Meanwhile, the interest in the 6.1-inch iPhone will boost sales for Apple’s LCD suppliers who have seen tough times in past. The one solid reason for the 6.1-inch iPhone to break all previous sales records of the company could be its iPhone X-style design and features but priced like an iPhone 8.
Image Source: The Verge
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