You must be living under a rock, if you haven’t heard about the ongoing trouble Apple has been facing for a couple of weeks. Apple has admitted and apologized to its consumers for slowing down older iPhones to prevent unexpected shutdowns. In the wake of the current incidents happening with Cupertino based tech giant, the circle of suspiciousness is wide open with the possibility that other premium Android-powered smartphones’ manufacturer could also be following the same practice. Samsung and LG have also given a statement on the matter and what they have said, let’s get to know.
As we earlier reported that HTC and Motorola have clarified in a statement given yesterday to The Verge, that slowing older phones “is not something we do”. Samsung and LG which earlier delayed response to The Verge have finally recorded statements to the Phone Arena denying about sowing older phones.
LG in a brief statement told Phone Arena, “Never have, never will! We care what our customers think.”
The statement is short and to the point, clearly answering the question that they have never and will never slow phones with aging batteries. Whereas, Samsung’s statement is bit elaborative, as the South Korean tech giant says,
“Product quality has been and will always be Samsung Mobile’s top priority. We ensure an extended battery life of Samsung mobile devices through multi-layer safety measures, which include software algorithms that govern the battery charging current and charging duration. We do not reduce CPU performance through software updates over the lifecycles of the phone.”
As of now, four of the major smartphones manufacturers have recorded statements on the matter. Meanwhile, other tech giants like Google, Huawei, and Xiaomi are also being contacted by various media outlets. So, it is likely that we will also hear from them soon.
Apple has faced worst circumstances during the past couple of weeks after the company admitted that it has been introducing software updates since last year, to prevent unexpected shutdowns by slowing down processors’ speed. As the tech giant is offering a $29 battery fix as a compensation, will this be enough to satisfy its consumers, it remains to be seen?
Image Source: Cnet
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