How To Delete Youtube Account

How To Delete Youtube Account: First of all thanks for landing this article, If you were searching for How To Delete Youtube Account then we must say you are on the right place so You want to get rid of YouTube and you want to do it right now. We’re just here to help. It’s not like you need a YouTube account to watch videos anyway, so let’s get on with the account deletion! Here’s Fix YouTube Not Available In Your Country Error

In YouTube, the widely popular video-sharing site on the web, users can open a free account and can also delete it if it is no longer needed. If you are not using your old video channel or any video then you can remove it. Here’s How to Fix Not suitable for most advertisers Youtube Error

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  • How do you delete history on YouTube?

How do I Delete YouTube Account

If you no longer have a use for one of the channels you’ve created on YouTube, you can quickly delete it from your account settings. This will remove all your uploaded videos and comments for that channel. If you want to remove your Google account’s main channel, you’ll need to delete your Google+ profile. If this sounds a little extreme, you can quickly hide your channel from the public instead. Here’s How to Make money with YouTube

It only takes a few minutes to delete your YouTube account. But don’t forget that you’re also deleting years of history, likes, subscriptions, and personal uploads. If that doesn’t bother you, here are the four easy steps to delete your YouTube account so you can move on to your next distraction. So below is How To Delete Youtube Account.

How To Delete Youtube Account

1) First Of All, Log in to your YouTube account.

2) Now Go to advanced settings

3) And Click the Account link at the top of the page.

4)  Find the Delete channel button and click it.

5) Now Enter the reason you’re closing the account Or Click On Verify this is the right choice.

6) After That Enter your current password.

7) Click either of the Delete My Account buttons & Say goodbye to your account

8) Your account is closed forever and ever.

If you don’t want to Delete Youtube Account you can hide it also using below steps. You can hide content from your YouTube channel and choose to re-enable it later. When you hide content, your channel name, videos, likes, subscriptions, and subscribers will be made private.

Note – All your comments and replies will be permanently deleted. Your account data on other Google properties will not be removed.

How to Hide YouTube Account Temporary

If you don’t want to delete your your YouTube Account, you can hide your YouTube Account temporary. You can hide content from your YouTube channel and choose to re-enable it later. When you hide content, your channel name, videos, likes, subscriptions, and subscribers will be made private.

  1. On a computer, make sure you’re signed in to YouTube with the channel you want to hide.
  2. Go to your advanced account settings. You can get to advanced account settings at any time by following these steps: •In the top right, click your account > Settings or .

  • Under “Account settings,” select Overview.
  • Under the channel’s name, select Advanced.
  1. At the bottom, select Delete channel. You may be prompted to enter your sign-in details.

  2. Select I want to hide my channel or I want to hide my content.

  3. Select the boxes to confirm what will be hidden on your channel.

  4. Select Hide my channel.

All your comments and replies will be permanently deleted. Your account data on other Google properties will not be removed.


1) Log into YouTube account.

2) Select a playlist you want to delete.

3) Make sure you appear on the Playlists page.

4) Click three dots on the right and press the Delete video button.

How to delete history on YouTube?

You can delete individual items or delete your entire history. When you pause history, any videos that you watch while history is paused won’t show in history and won’t be used to improve your recommendations. You can unpause your history to start recording history again.

Go to your watch history to find videos that you’ve viewed while signed in. This includes videos that you have watched while signed in to the YouTube app on mobile devices, as well as

How to delete history on YouTube in Mobile App

To view your watch history, go to the Library tab  and tap History.

  • Remove a video: Next to the video details in the History page, tap Menuand select Remove from Watch History.

To clear or pause your watch history, go to the menu and tap Settings, then scroll down to the Privacy section.

  • Clear watch history: Tap Clear watch history.
  • Pause watch history: Toggle Pause watch history.

How to delete history on YouTube in Mobile Site

To view your watch history, go to the Account  tab and tap History.

  • Remove a video: Tap Menu  next to the video details and select Remove from Watch History.

To clear or pause your watch history, go to the menu and tap Settings > History.

  • Clear watch history: Tap Clear all.
  • Pause watch history: Tap Pause.

How to delete history on YouTube in Desktop

Remove a video: Select Remove from watch historDelete to the right of the video details to remove a video from your watch history.

  • Clear watch history: Select Clear all watch history to delete your entire history.
  • Pause watch history: Select Pause watch history to pause your history. Videos viewed while your watch history is paused will not show up in your watch history or influence your recommendations.

So We have discussed many Solutions Of “How To Delete Youtube Account”  If you’re still having issues with How To Delete Youtube Account So Please Comment Below.

The post How To Delete Youtube Account appeared first on Tricks By STG.

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