Don’t fall into the trap of quitting your antidepressants because you’re feeling great

Whether you’re new to taking antidepressants or you’re a Prozac pro, please heed this warning about mistakes from someone who’s made them for you.

If you’re suddenly feeling loads better after regularly taking antidepressants, do not react by thinking to yourself: ‘Oh, I feel brilliant. What do I need antidepressants for?’

Do not then follow up that thought by leaving your box of Fluoxetine in the cupboard and letting it gather dust, declaring that you’re all better and will never need meds again.

You will crash. You will feel absolutely awful. You will find yourself fallen apart, so exhausted you can’t muster the motivation to put yourself together again.

Then, in desperation, you’ll go back on your meds, go through all the rubbish side effects again, and feel pretty silly for coming off them in the first place.

You know all this. It’s not new information.

And yet the second you feel good, it’s easy to fall into the trap of throwing meds out of the… Read the full story

from Metro


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