This robot will automatically clean your toilet


The future of toilet cleaning is here. We all know that cleaning the toilet is necessary but no one wants to do it by himself. If you ever wished that a robot could clean your toilet, then your wish has come true.

The new toilet cleaning robot is called SpinX and it is currently raising funds on Kickstarter. SpinX is the future of toilet cleaning and it literally cleans your toilet on the press of a button in just 90 seconds. It is fitted inside the toilet seat’s lid and can be used with any toilet. It has a robotic arm with a rotating brush and soap and water jets. It cleans both inside the toilet and the seat. It also dries the wet seats using compressed air outlets so that you won’t have to sit on the wet seat. From cleaning the toilet to drying it is done in just 90 seconds.


As mentioned, it comes fitted with a toilet seat and you can replace any of your toilet’s seat with SpinX. It uses the toilet cleaning liquid of your choice. You just have to put the liquid in its container and it will do rest of the work. And of course, the brush is replaceable. The brush will also clean itself automatically so that you won’t have to do a single thing for cleaning your toilet. SpinX also removes 99.9% bacteria from the toilet. The toilet seat also comes with a removable cover to hide the robot when not in use. The company also guarantees that no matter how hard you try, the gentle-closing lid shuts quietly. It also claims that SpinX is the only, fully automatic, toilet cleaning and drying robot in the market.

See the SpinX in action in the video below:

Here’s what the co-founder and CEO, Hila Ben-Amram, said about the SpinX and why they thought to make it.

“When I was pregnant with twins, taking care of two toddlers, it occurred to me while I was cleaning the communal toilet one evening that nobody has invented a self-cleaning toilet product before,”

She further added:

“We live in the age of new technology, and to still be performing a trivial task that hasn’t evolved in over 100 years confused me. I created SpinX to save people the effort and inconvenience of carrying out a job they hate to do, while striving to reach new levels of cleaning and hygiene that benefits all who are tired of getting their hands dirty.”

The SpinX is smart. You don’t even have to tell it when to clean, it automatically detects if the toilet needs cleaning and starts cleaning it. The sensors automatically detect the toilet shape and tell the brush where to scrub. SpinX promises to fit on 98% of toilet seats and is available to pre-order for just $199.

The post This robot will automatically clean your toilet appeared first on TechJuice.


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