What To Do When Your Chromebook Reaches the End of Its Life


Chromebooks are great for anyone who uses them: they turn on in an instant, have great battery life, and updating them is a breeze. But, the day will come when your Chromebook stops getting updates from Google. What do you do then?

Google is upfront with its update policy: you can see the exact month and year a Chromebook or Chromebox will stop receiving updates. Most Chromebooks still have a long life ahead of them, but Google has started cutting off some of the oldest models already. If you have one of the older Chromebooks, you’ll need to start thinking about what to do when the updates stop coming.

Option One: Buy a New Chromebook

This one’s a bit obvious, but it’s worth stating: when your current Chromebook stops getting updates, the best thing you can probably do is buy a newer device. In addition to getting security updates for the next several years, you’ll also make a big leap when it comes to processing power, memory, and battery life, meaning your new Chromebook will be more enjoyable to use.

Chromebooks made in the past two years also have access to Android applications through the Google Play Store, as well as Linux applications. Of course, you can keep using the new Chromebook as a simple web browser, but newer models give you a few more productivity options. Here are our favorite Chromebooks.

RELATED: The Best Chromebooks You Can Buy, 2018 Edition

Option Two: Install Other Linux Distributions

Ubuntu running on a Chromebook

Chrome OS is built on top of the Linux kernel, which is why newer models can install Linux applications. It also means that users can install Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. There are a few problems you may run into with installing other versions of Linux, but overall, it’s a great way to give your Chromebook a new life.

RELATED: How to Install Ubuntu Linux on Your Chromebook with Crouton

Option Three: Install CloudReady by Neverware

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from How-To Geek https://www.howtogeek.com/403164/what-to-do-when-your-chromebook-reaches-the-end-of-its-life/

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