Unity Technologies develops a game specifically for testing Artificial Intelligence

One of the World’s most famous game development firms has announced a new video game through which it wants to test the capabilities of AI algorithms.

The newly developed video game, The Obstacle Tower, aims at testing the skills of Artificial Intelligence players and was unveiled yesterday by the developers from Unity. The game consists of a hundred stages with varying difficulty levels. The AI players would have to use their problem-solving skills to find their way up the stage stream. Unity thinks that the game could extensively be used by the AI researchers who would want to test their Artificial Intelligence algorithms on a set scale.

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The researchers would be able to use this game to test “the vision, control, planning, and generalization abilities of AI agents — capabilities that have yet to be fully tested together,” Unity mentioned in a blog post.

In order to mainstream the usage of this new platform for AI testing, Unity and Google are offering several incentives to the researchers participate at their AI gaming tournament, which would take place from February 11 to May 24. The first prize is worth $10,000. Apart from the cash prize, the winner would also get $2,500 of travel credits for the researchers, so they can travel to different AI/ML research conferences. The total prize pool is worth $100,000.

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