Where is Santa now? NORAD tracking Father Christmas despite Trump’s government shutdown

The US Government is often accused of covering up the existence of extraterrestrials and carrying out secret operations behind the world’s back.

But even the toughest officials are too scared to reveal the truth behind one of the greatest conspiracies of all time.

Public employees are preparing to tell the world about the whereabouts of a mysterious entity called Santa which allegedly possesses the ability to deliver Christmas prezzies to every single child on Earth.

Despite the US government shutdown, more than 1,000 volunteers at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) will track Father Christmas as he travels around the world

The Christmas tradition started in 1955 when a branch of Sears in Colorado printed a wrong number on an advertisement for a phone line which let kids call Father Christmas.

Callers were put through to the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Center instead, only to be told that it had no idea of the cuddly festive icon’s whereabouts.

However, CONAD staff quickly realised there was a PR opportunity to be had and began offering updates on where Santa was flying whenever kids phoned.

At the time, Colonel Barney Oldfield said: ‘CONAD, Army, Navy and Marine Air Forces will continue to track and guard Santa and his sleigh on his trip to and from the U.S. against possible attack from those who do not believe in Christmas.’

NORAD assured the world that Santa will bring Xmas cheer to ‘everyone’.

‘Santa visits all homes where children believe in him,’ it wrote.

Santa will allegedly be tracked with satellites and accompanied by fighter jets as he zooms over American.

Experts at NORAD said Saint Nicholas generally follows a predictable path (which is more than can be said for the other chubby chap most of America is talking about right now).

‘Santa usually starts at the International Date Line and travels west,’ it wrote.

This means he visits the South Pacific first before going on to Australia, Japan, Africa, Europe and the UK.

He will then cross the Atlantic and travel to the US.

from Metro https://metro.co.uk/2018/12/24/santa-now-norad-tracking-father-christmas-despite-trumps-government-shutdown-8280835/

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