Instagram is reportedly testing Creator accounts for famous personalities


Instagram is testing out Creator accounts for influencers across the platform, pretty much similar to Facebook for Creators, aiming to provide them with more features and tools. Influencers often target their audience with affiliate marketing campaigns such as selling products or promotion of a brand. The tools from Instagram will make this process easier and will also ensure transparency across the platform.

As if now, there is a personal profile and a business account option on Instagram. The business account option gives further options such as the demographics of your followers and the ability to add links to stories if you have more than 10,000 followers. Creator tools will be more aimed towards making it easier for influencers to promote products to their followers or start trends. Instagram is fairly popular when it comes to food, fashion, tech, and other daily life segments. Instagram product manager emphasized that they want to make sure that Instagram is the best place, and the easiest place, to build fan communities and also build [creators’] personal brands.

Creators will be given insights on follower count on a daily or weekly basis as well as the content which generated most hype. The Instagram team is also rumored to be working on a sorting feature for unread, read and flagged messages to help Creators quickly reply to the most important messages or find any missed conversation.

Instagram hasn’t commented on this rumor yet.

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