My Time at Radio Science: A Thank-You from the Editor-in-Chief

Radio Science may not be as big or well-known as some of AGU’s other journals, but it fills an important niche Radio Science is now in its sixth decade. It may not be as big or well-known as some of AGU’s other journals, but it fills an important niche presenting original research articles on radio frequency electromagnetic-propagation and its applications. I have been privileged to serve as its Editor-in-Chief for the past four years.

Many people contribute to each issue of the journal and I would like to thank all of them. First, I would like to say thanks to the scientists who have shared their research. Thank you for recognizing Radio Science by submitting your manuscripts. Without you, there would be no Radio Science.

Second, thanks to the Editorial Board comprised of Editor, Sana Salous, and a team of Associate Editors. They have provided me with continuous, reliable knowledge and support. I have always been confident in their expertise. Our job is enabled by the manuscript submission GEMS. AGU has made improvements to the system over recent years making it even easier to use.

Over the past four years, Radio Science has produced several special collections, including several based on International Union of Radio Science meetings. I would like to thank all of the guest editors who managed the review process for those contributed papers.

Additionally, peer reviewers play a vital role in every scientific journal. Each year these important people are recognized in an all-too-brief editorial note acknowledging their assistance. The models of peer review adopted by different journals are often under scrutiny. However, in defense of the present method, I feel that all the reviewers we have used have made an honest effort to provide intelligent comments on the papers they review; maybe some more than others, but always with good intent. These reviews have definitely enhanced the papers published in Radio Science, so a heartfelt thanks to those who have reviewed papers in the past.

Last, but never forgotten, my thanks to all the staff in the AGU Publications Department for their continuous, cheerful assistance with reminders, suggestions and advice covering everything from the production of the journal to the management of individual papers. Their assistance has made my job so much easier.

One of the recent changes that AGU staff have helped us through is a new data policy. A data statement is now mandatory on all papers and authors are required to make their data and programs available in open data centers or repositories. Some authors have found it difficult to understand and meet the requirements and this shift in policy and practice was a major undertaking. However, from my position as Editor-in-Chief, I feel that it is being implemented effectively and with considerable understanding on all sides. None of us have under-estimated the impact such initiatives can have on some researchers.

Another change during my tenure has been the introduction of a new paper type in Radio Science: “Technical Reports: Methods.” A paper in this format can describe technology and techniques that will advance research in the field. This is an important inclusion, especially in the fields addressed by Radio Science, and I am sure it will enhance the journal in future years.

I have enjoyed my tenure as Editor-in-Chief. It has been an extremely interesting and rewarding experience. I am very happy to hand over the mantle to Sana Salous and I am sure that Radio Science will benefit greatly from her very considerable skills.

—Phil Wilkinson (email:, Editor-in-Chief, Radio Science

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