Apple claims XR is its best selling iPhone since launch, but refuses to provide actual figures

Apple is claiming that iPhone XR has been its best selling iPhone since its launch, but is refusing to back its statements with actual facts and figures.

Following the numerous reports a few days ago that Apple is restarting the production of iPhone X due to disappointing sales of XS, Apple’s vice president of marketing Greg Joswik came forward and has commented during an interview that iPhone XR has been their most popular iPhone each and every day since the day it became available.

The important thing to note here is the way in which Greg has phrased his statement. iPhone XR has been the most popular iPhone model each and every day since its launch, implying that XR is generating more interest than other iPhone models on a daily basis since its launch. Which makes sense since Apple discontinued iPhone X after XR’s launch, forcing customers looking to purchase a new iPhone to buy the cheaper, XR model instead of any other option. So it’s natural that iPhone XR is the most popular current model of iPhone available, however, it doesn’t necessarily mean that iPhone XR has been the most popular iPhone model ever. Apple isn’t claiming that, and that means that XR has been outselling only its pricier cousins, XS and XS max, which might not be an impressive feat considering the reports of disappointing sales of both these phones.

Apple has also refused to release any kind of sales figures to support their claims, giving further weight to the assumption that Apple is disappointed by the sale of its newest generation of iPhones.

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