Improved Searchability for AGU Content

AGU publishes more than 6,000 original research and review articles, and more than a dozen books each year, reflecting the breadth of science practiced by our members. We have a library of more than 100,000 articles spanning more than 100 years.

Scientists are often challenged by how to stay up to date on the latest research published in their field and by how to ensure they find the most relevant sources when conducting a literature search in preparation for their work.

With the recent transition of AGU’s publications on Wiley Online Library to Atypon’s Literatum web platform, users of AGU publications have more tools to assist with these challenges. Journal readers have improved search capabilities, custom email alerts and RSS feeds, and the ability to download cited references and receive cited-by alerts. AGU books are now integrated into the same platform making series, volumes and individual chapters more visible and searchable.

Focus on What You Need

Readers can now search across all AGU journal articles and book chapters. Searches can easily be refined using filters by author, publication date, topic, or specific journals.

There is a search box in the upper right corner of every page for keywords. If you wish to conduct an advanced search or citation search, click the search box and you can select those options.

The Saved Searches function allows users to keep particular filters for future visits.

On the left side of a Search Results page, you can choose from a number of filters to help refine your search.

Alternatively, you can use options above your results to define the keyword search field.

After creating the perfect search, users can easily save the criteria to their account to run the same search in the future.

Simply go to the top of the search results page and select Save Search.


Receive Custom Alerts and Feeds

Readers can also opt to receive emails any time a new paper is published matching a saved search. You can make this selection and choose the frequency of emails when you save your search.

The Track Citation function allows users to sign up for citation alerts.

In addition, we create an RSS feed for your saved searches. Instead of signing up for individual journal alerts, custom results from multiple journals can be combined into a single email alert or RSS feed.

You can select RSS feed from the top of your search results page. To find your saved searches or manage alerts, go to your account preferences.

Readers interested in a particular paper and the resulting work can sign up for citation alerts. Go to the relevant article, go to Tools, and select Track Citation.

—Jenny Lunn (email:, Director of Publications, American Geophysical Union

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