PTI unveils its 14 point Digital Policy for ‘Naya Pakistan’

Ahead of elections that are due very shortly, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has outlined key initiatives that it would be picking to reform the Digital Arena for Pakistan.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, which is being termed as one of the leading contestants in the upcoming elections, has been up and running pointing out different plans that it would be taking once it partakes the government officially. Today, it unveiled its agenda surrounding actions which it would be taking up to improve the Digital and IT related arena of Pakistan.

The policy doesn’t only talk about IT and startups, rather it addresses different core education-related steps too that would be taken to improve the tech-related expertise in the long run.

PTI Digital Policy

Termed as “PTI Digital Policy”, the policy is by far the first notable policy outlined by any of the major political parties ahead of the elections. The policy has been designed so as to focus on the long-term goals that could improve Pakistan’s stance in the digital domain. The launch took place at a dedicated event today in Islamabad and was attended by many top-brass PTI leaders, including Asad Umar who stated out the policy. CEO DPL IT, Syed Ahmad, was also present on the occasion.

PTI’s Digital Policy basically tackles three important issues, told Imran Khan in a video message, the Digital Policy as outlined by PTI has been designed to kill the dearth of jobs, the policy would also increase the software-related exports and use technology to increase transparency and curb corruption.

PTI’s 14 Points for Digital Pakistan:

  1. $2 billion set aside for National digital transformations & provision of different services to citizens through mobile.
  2. Using technology to open government data to increase transparency
  3. IT education of 50,000 students
  4. Establishment of 120 new campuses to produce 100,000 technology graduates/year
  5. Mathematics and Science teacher training and certification program
  6. Five new major technology clusters (Special Economic Zones)
  7. A focus will be on creating enabling environment for start-ups and entrepreneurs.
  8. 50,000 call center seats available on a turn-key basis
  9. One window operation to register a new company
  10. A global PR campaign involving expat community
  11. Visa issuance on green passport for Businessmen and professionals
  12. Simplification of processes for foreign ownership of companies
  13. Public-Private Partnership on projects
  14. Target will be set to increase the global ranking of Pakistan in ease of doing business

The critical role that P@SHA is doing to increase the visibility of issues that Pakistan’s digital and startup related issues needs to be appreciated here. Very recently, government related stake-holders have started taking these issues more seriously. Prime Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, just recently, announced a major incentives package and the biggest tax holiday for the local IT industry.

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