Lab in COMSATS catches fire, equipment worth millions destroyed

A huge fire, which erupted in the BioInformatics lab at COMSATS University Islamabad, has reduced IT equipment and important research documents to ashes.

In an unfortunate event, a huge fire took over a lab in COMSATS over the past weekend costing considerable financial and intellectual loss. All of the high-tech equipment that was placed in the lab was caught in the fire and the research documents of over 10 scientists and 80 students were also burnt. The authorities say that about 70 high-end computer systems were placed in the laboratory, all of which were destroyed. The total loss which the university had to borne was in tens of millions Rupees. Fortunately enough, no human casualties were reported.

As of now, there have been no reports as to what exactly caused this fire, however, initial analysis point that a short circuit could be the reason. The lab possessed an outdated fire alarm system which didn’t work properly when the lab came under fire. Moreover, it is also being said that the said lab was also undergoing an investigation regarding a purchase of hardware wherein the lab equipment was allegedly bought at higher prices. So, the individuals with the said knowledge are also speculating that the causes of this fire might go deeper than the short-circuiting.

Labs at high-cadre academia are of great monetary and intellectual significance because of the equipment and lab work which these possess. Owing to this, great importance is given in securing the lab premises from hazards so that no such accidents take place.

News —The Nation & Tribune

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