Floating Volume lets you quickly adjust your Android’s volume levels on any screen

It can be very important for some people to have quick access to all of the different volume sliders that Android has to offer at the same time. Stock Android tries to give the best of both worlds by letting you tap a down arrow after you press a volume button, but that requires an extra step, and in some instances just isn’t quick enough. So XDA Senior Member Adam Myczkowski has put together an application called “Floating Volume” that takes the idea of floating heads for messages and uses it as a way to quickly access all three of your volume sliders.

Floating Volume is developed to work on Android devices running Lollipop or higher. It places a floating music note on your screen when the service has been activated. Tap on that music note and you’ll see your volume sliders appear along with a way to quickly mute the device. You’ll find the XDA Labs link for the application down below, but the project is also up on GitHub right here.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁

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