CEO Telegram says Apple is blocking its app updates globally


CEO Telegram claims that its app is missing out on many features because Apple has blocked new updates for Telegram’s app in its App Store.

It has been over a month since Russia banned officially banned the highly-encrypted messaging app — Telegram for not providing encryption keys to the Russian intelligence agencies. And for the very same reason, Telegram is facing ban in many other countries, Pakistan included for quite a while now.

Although he previously thanked the US company for supporting users’ privacy stance, the Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov now claims that Apple has blocked updates for Telegram’s app for iOS worldwide. It appears that Telegram’s app in App Store has not received any update since late March. He boldly mentioned about his annoyance with Apple’s policy on Twitter as follow;

Durov says that when Apple introduced iOS 11.4 update some features of Telegram app started malfunctioning such as stickers, gifs. We fixed the issue after noticing it but as Apple has blocked updates for iOS devices, many users are having issues with their apps.

Even after being banned in Russia, Telegram still considers the country as its major user base as over 10% of Telegram’s total users are based in Russia. This is because four big U.S. cloud service companies helped Telegram getting around Russians ban. For that, Durov even thanked them at that time by saying; “Thank you Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, for not taking part in political censorship. We have been relying on third-party cloud services to remain partly available for our users (in Russia).”

Meanwhile, Telegram has had a reputation of serving the crypto community because it’s secure, private and instant messaging service. Moreover, Telegram has also raised world’s biggest ICO yet, while recently adding another sum of $850 million funding in it.

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