When did yoga lose its zen?

There once was a time, I believe, that yoga was the sort of thing you either did in the privacy of your bedroom, in a hippy studio or out at an ashram.

A large part of the practice was meditation, becoming calm and at one with yourself and the world around you.

And then, suddenly, it all kicked off and every Pure Gym started offering Vinyasa Flows and Instagram became flooded with professional acrobats masquerading as yogis.

Yoga’s zen, in London at least, seems to have been totally disrupted.

Of course, yoga isn’t just about the zen.

It’s one of the most effective workouts for unscrewing tight hip flexors, for working on better posture, loosening up hamstrings, tightening the core – you name it, yoga can train it. They say that for every hour of ying practice you do (weight training, cardio, etc), you should try to do an hour of yang (stretching, mobility, breathing).

It… Read the full story

from Metro http://metro.co.uk/2018/05/16/yoga-lose-zen-7548762/


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