Traffic police now sends traffic violation E-Challans at home address

Violated any Traffic rule? If you are currently residing in Lahore or Islamabad then find E-Challan at your doorstep.

Through the safe city project CCTV cameras installed in the entire city, traffic violators are caught on camera, then E-Challan is sent to their home. The CCTV camera captures number plate of the vehicle and the person who has committed the violation gets E-Challan delivered to his home.

The E-Challan consists of details of the violation including the place of violation, type of violation, snap of violation and details of your vehicle.

Here is how the E-Challan looks like:

In such case, it is advised to take an immediate action. Failing to pay the fine charged will result in your vehicle token or plate not being renewed till you pay your fine.

Around 1800 cameras have been installed around the city for monitoring traffic violations within a span of two years. This means that commuters will now have a hard time escaping after violating the traffic signal.

This system will hopefully ensure a safer road environment and maintain traffic system in the city. Furthermore, it is expected that this move will ensure there cannot be any bribery case as traffic wardens cannot take bribe and let the violators go in this scenario which could be possible without e-ticket system.

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