Facebook users in India are getting voice posts, stories archive, and cloud storage features

Facebook recently had one of the largest executive reshuffles the company has ever had. Mark Zuckerberg is still leading the company but WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger have all received new leaders in an attempt to evolve the platforms. The first update since that announcement happens to be for the core Facebook application as it is set to receive three big features that the team has worked on. The three features are set to roll out in India first but will make their way to the rest of the globe shortly afterward.

Cloud storage is becoming increasingly popular as these companies want you to keep as much of your data on their servers as possible. With something like Google Photos, that is more than worth it thanks to the features the service brings when it comes to organizing them and finding specific photos with a simple search. For Facebook’s new cloud storage feature, users will find the option directly in the camera section of the application. The user will be greeted with a new option that will tell the application to store the image on Facebook’s servers and not fill up your local storage.

Another one of these new features is also making its way to the application. Within the camera, the user will be given the option to create and share a voice message with their friends with what the team is calling a Voice Post. This new feature is a way for those who want to convey a quick message without needing to fumble around with the small keyboards of a smartphone. The last of these new features that are coming to the Facebook application is a new archiving system that will enable people to save the Facebook Stories they like the most. Once saved, the Facebook Story will be stored with other archived pieces and organized by the date in which it was created.

Via: The Verge
