10 men open up about the first time they had a breakdown due to mental illness

Just over three out of four suicides – which is a whopping 76% – are carried out by men. Suicide remains the biggest cause of death for men under 35.

Yet it’s 2018, and still, we’re living in a day and age where men are still being told to ‘man up’. Where men are suffering in silence out of fear of being ridiculed, not listened to, or judged for being not ‘manly’ enough.

But newsflash, people: mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care whether you’re old, young, rich, poor, male or female.

It can affect anyone, at any time, and it can be completely debilitating.

Struggling doesn’t make you weak, regardless of gender. And being a man shouldn’t have any effect on whether you do so or not.

The sad thing is, that because of these ideas that men should ‘hold it all together’, men are actually nearly three times more likely than women to become alcohol dependent. They’re more likely to use and die… Read the full story

from Metro http://metro.co.uk/2018/03/23/10-men-open-up-about-the-first-time-they-had-a-breakdown-due-to-mental-illness-7408250/
