A refugee camp in Europe at breaking point this winter

Lesbos, a small Greek island in the north-eastern Aegean Sea, is struggling.

Renowned for its lush countryside and clear water beaches, in recent years, the island has become the frontline for Greece’s refugee crisis.

Less than a 15-minute drive from the main port-town of Mytilini is Moria, the main camp on the island.

Once an army barracks, it is surrounded by multiple layers of steel fencing topped with coils of barbed wire. Tents spill outside the official perimeter into surrounding areas. Its official capacity of 1,800 has now been far surpassed with an estimated population of around 7,000.

In January 2017, an arctic blast brought snow and sub-zero temperatures to the island and as winter sets in again, there is widespread concern by residents of the camp and the organisations working with them about what the weather will bring.

At One Happy Family however, a large community centre near Moria, there are moments of relief from the gloom of the camp.

‘I’m happy to come here… Read the full story

from Metro http://metro.co.uk/2018/01/23/a-refugee-camp-in-europe-at-breaking-point-this-winter-7250728/
